About Us


What Makes Us Stand Apart from the Rest

The firm’s current 40 attorneys have a depth and breadth of experience that allows them to examine legal questions from all angles in order to propose well-reasoned options for our business partners to consider. Our lawyers pride themselves on teamwork and each individual offers a unique perspective that contributes to our continued growth and success. Of the 40 attorneys in the firm, we are proud that 65% are minorities and women. We are involved in activities geared to the recruitment, hiring and retention of outstanding minority and women attorneys. We also support Minority Business Enterprises initiatives on nurturing and developing minority executives.

Our firm consists of divisions which focus on a specific industry’s unique legal challenge. Our attorneys litigate claims specific to their area of practice.  Focus on singular areas of practice allows our attorneys to provide the best counsel to our business partners.


Why Choose Hightower Law for Your Next Case

A distinguishing feature of our firm is to provide a comprehensive evaluation within 30 days of receipt of the file, which includes anticipated legal fees and litigation costs.

If a business partner wants to try to resolve a case to avoid expensive and unnecessary trial discovery, we usually recommend limited discovery and early mediation. Absent guidelines to the contrary, we provide an updated status report on each file every two months. Whether a business partner wants to defend a case through trial, or try for early settlement, our goal is to close cases within one year of receipt. On the other hand, our firm is known for how often we are in trial. If trial ends up being necessary, our firm’s 80% success rate at trial remains unequaled.

Diversity & Inclusion

Our Many Faces

Many of the firm’s Fortune 500 clients have inquired about our hiring and retention practices. Diversity and inclusion are the firm’s foundation and strength. We share our story with you.

When a lawsuit came across our desk about a Muslim patron seeking damages after a client’s restaurant unknowingly served her prohibited food, did we Google to determine her complaints? No. We simply asked one of our attorneys of a similar faith and found out everything we needed to know. The resource we had in-house, was enough to discover the Plaintiff’s claim was a fraud.

Florida is full of people who have moved here from across America and around the world. Your defense firm should reflect this melting pot and include people from diverse backgrounds, nationalities, beliefs, cultures and orientation. Since 1992, Hightower, Stratton, Novigrod & Kantor has cultivated a work environment for growth and acceptance as well as empower team members to bring unique ideas and perspectives to claims management. Together, we have successfully protected Florida businesses for over three decades.

We continue to evolve with the changing dynamics of the US population. Roughly ⅓ of the firm’s partners are Hispanic or African American. Firmwide, almost ½ of employees identify as racial or ethnic minorities and ⅓ are women attorneys.

Our firm will continue to hire and retain talented individuals of all backgrounds as we have since inception. We are proud to offer YOU the best legal services available from a true world view. Please contact us for additional details, or if we may assist with your Florida legal needs.


Awards & Accolades

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